Thursday, July 3, 2008

thumbs up/thumbs down thursday!

i am sad to announce that i have to give a thumbs down to jeff lewis from bravo's reality show flipping out.  i have really tried to like him but he's just too crazy.  my feelings for jeff are hard to put into words; it's basically a general feeling of violence when i see him.  

i will begin with the obvious; the lips.  are they for real?  i can't be sure but i'm assuming not.  he's very open about the fact he gets regular botox and so i imagine he does the lips as well.  he has a whole host of people working for him but they don't have any work to do.  he's real distrusting that no one is working; but it's like what does he expect they don't have anything to do.  

i will say that the show is entertaining and he is a talented designer; but he's just too much.
