Tuesday, July 8, 2008

things i don't understand

there are many things i don't understand in this world and one of them is the obsession morning news shows have with all things dangerous. if we are to really listen to these shows i don't see how anyone would ever leave the house! for example, the today show just finished a series called summer hazards where they talked about the various reasons people should be scared of summer.

they had 3 segments, the first was about how dangerous lawn mowers are. the today show would like us to believe that tons of people are riding lawn mowers with headphones on and generally not paying attention to their kids. i have to ask, how are that many people running over their children with lawn movers? the most ridiculous segment was the 2nd segment that spoke about how dangerous it is to dig a deep hole at the beach. again, how many people are actually getting injured or killed as a result of collapsing sand? the final segment was about how dangerous hot cars are. this one i understand; people seem to always forget that their kids are in the car on the hottest summer day. here's the lessons we learned from the today show:
1. don't listen to your ipod while driving your lawn mower, and always look behind you before backing up.
2. no more digging holes to china.
3. don't leave your kids in the car!!!!

thanks nbc for these valuable yet absurd lessons.
